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Silver Cord Award

Chariton High School

Silver Cord Award

The Silver Cord Award is a distinguished service award available to Chariton High School students who earn at least 40 hours of community service/volunteer hours each year of high school, for a total of at least 160 hours, by May 1st of the year in which they graduate.

Students cannot earn 20 hours one year and 60 hours the next; at least 40 hours must be earned each year. Special consideration will be given to students who move into the district late in their high school career or for other special circumstances. In recognition of their achievement, those students meeting the requirements will receive a silver cord to wear on their robes at the graduation ceremony.

Key Information


Students must document all service activities on the appropriate form. Forms are available in the Counseling Office at Chariton High School. One form should be used for each site/project. Forms should be submitted to the Chariton High School Counseling Office. It is recommended that forms be turned in immediately after completion of the service, but forms must be turned in no later the deadlines set below. Seniors should submit all Silver Cord documentation for their senior year by May 1st.

Summer Service

Service hours earned during the summer after the academic year may be applied toward either the prior school year or the following school year; the decision is the student's. (For example, the hours of service during the summer after freshman year can apply to either the freshman or sophomore 40-hour requirement or divided between the two, as needed.)

Deadline for Submitting Hours

Acceptable Service Activities

Silver Cord hours must be for providing a service or meeting a clear need for a non-profit agency, church, school, park, charity program, fundraiser, or community event. The service should be "above and beyond" one's usual scope of involvement and should not be part of required service for a program, such as Scouts or religious education. If there is any question about whether a specific volunteer experience meets the criteria of "providing a service" or "meeting a need," students should get prior approval from the Silver Cord Review Committee. The Silver Cord Review Committee makes final determinations regarding service.

Non-Acceptable Service Activities

Some examples of activities that would not be acceptable are: CHS sports team managing, training or event timing or administration; most CHS music program events; concession stand or fundraising events in which proceeds benefit a CHS program; serving as a camp counselor while receiving free room and board (some exceptions may be made for camps for children with disabilities); performing in musical, dance, or theater groups unless related to a social cause or charity benefit; participation on committees in which the focus is on one’s own leadership development and does not include outreach to larger community.

Silver Cord hours cannot be:

  1. to satisfy a class or requirement by any agency, program, or organization
  2. for a relative
  3. for pay or compensation of any kind
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